Recycling projects

In recent years, recycling projects have become as relevant as possible, especially when the issue of cross-border regulation in Europe arose.
The way to implement a climate project in the field of recycling is not simple: it is necessary to calculate the carbon footprint of products (production), develop a methodology for project implementation, go through the validation and verification procedure of the project and only after that the generation of carbon units will begin. It can be seen from this that in order to implement projects, it is necessary to bring together specialists from various fields – this is exactly the task we set as part of our work in the Association.
We are doing serious work in this direction and are attracting partners of the Association who are able to calculate the carbon footprint and can carry out the verification procedure.
As part of the Association's work, we unite and meet with industry participants, form requests from them and broadcast these requests to the state. It's no secret that this task cannot be solved without the help of the state – it is necessary not only to build recycling factories, but also to ensure that these factories are loaded with raw materials.
The Association "Climate Initiative" together with the Association "Clover" are striving to develop the industry of recycling and recycling of raw materials.
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